June 6-7th 2015
6am start.
Weather - 54 Friday morning and cloudy made for a great start to the race. It warmed up to 74 later in the afternoon. Didn't notice any bugs which is great for this race as they are known to be bad in the woods.
Trail is a lot of consistent up and downs with only a few flatter sections.
Felt great much of the race and perhaps took around 40 Hammer Gu's (my most yet - kept me powering strong and they are easy on the stomach) and some other fruits and real food. KM100 is also great at providing Hammer gel packets, s-caps etc too.
Paced myself well for much of the run which kept me moving strong and consistent - still running strong some 90 miles into the race! Harry said he couldn't keep up with my quick walking pace! I jumped up a lot of spots from nearly the very back of the pack to start. At the 1st aid station - mile 7.5 - I was 231st place.. by mile 50 I had moved to 186th place. By 70 miles I was 137th, finally finishing 117th place, out of what would eventually be 165 finishers. Proud of my accomplishment at this race. We saw much carnage later in the race as the race and the hills took there toll on some of the faster starters. I pay attention to my breathing and make sure I am comfortable and also walking the ups quickly and being careful with footing on steeper descents, would help me a great deal later on. The Nordic trail - times 4 - will take its victims. Going back to the start/ finish can be tough for many runners and that's where I made me biggest jump in placement with most of the drops happening at that point. Great to pick up Harry and show him the sights of the Nordic trail again.
A great benefit was having done Ice Age 50 miler (3 years Prior) gave me confidence and knew what to expect. I knew how many consistent up and down climbs there were.
I had a fantastic race and fully enjoyed the scenery, frog serenade at night, seeing the moon and stars from out the meadows with Harry was romantic, the view of the sunrise over Rice Lake breathtaking, listening to howling Coyote's in the distance and a bit of rain in the morning felt awesome.
Only a few low points, I met my first rude ultra runner. One runner who told revolting jokes to his friends (one eventually took personal offence and left him behind after running 50k together) and seemed to have a problem with my quiet nature. I am just a person who loves to be outdoors and enjoy myself, and yes during a 100 miler I am quiet more so, because I know talking leads me to breathing heavier and later can give me a really sore chest and breathing problems. The other time was when I got sleepy and bumped into a couple of runners coming back the other way during the 1am time frame. Then I got real hungry, being hungry and tired not good. Much better after I reached highway 12, mile 77 and got my goodies.
Overall. Much of the run was great and I was happy and having a fun time!
Finished in 28hr 30 mins and some change, I feel for me this is a great time and stayed in good health, besides some pretty tight hammie's.
Having Harry and his Dad out there to support me gave me power and happiness to see them at each crew station and the options of getting whatever I feel I need for the next station. KM 100 is a great run. Not to be underestimated.